September . 30 . 2020

Weplay Toys Free Rental Service

WESTGATE Hotel would like to extend this educational experience to all our guests!!

Our WEPLAY educational toys brought fun and entertainment to many guests with children. All guests are welcome to borrow the WEPLAY toys upon check-in. Simply register with our front desk staff and have some fun with your young children.
  • WEPLAY Toys available:
    ─ Rock N’ Fish
    ─ Twiggle Toss
    ─ Q-Blocks


Twiggle Toss

Rock N’ Fish

關於童心園 - Weplay (More Detail)
童心園成立於1987年,因為愛孩子,強調身、心、靈全方位的啟發,長期投注幼兒教育玩具市場,期望幫助孩子健康快樂成長。2000年自創品牌『Weplay』,為孩子打造早期教育所需的全方位系列商品,堅持台灣設計、生產,強調高品質、安全、環保,在學校、家庭、醫療、學術、早療機構建立卓著的聲譽;並行銷全球五大洲、一百餘國。Weplay期許帶給全球孩子we play, we learn的快樂經驗,並在國際幼教市場成為最棒的領導品牌。除自創品牌外,並引進歐美領導品牌之益智成長玩教具,涵蓋領域包羅萬象,從建構、腦力、創意到扮演、攀爬等等應有盡有,滿足孩子成長需求與遊戲樂趣,並成為幼兒園所、托育中心與親子館最親密的夥伴。